For many, Labor Day is a bittersweet holiday. While they get the day off to rest and celebrate with loved ones, many may also feel sad at the end of summer. Regardless of these feelings, however, picnics and parties are abundant over the holiday weekend, which ranges from Friday afternoon to the end of Labor Day. A staple of many of these parties is alcohol, meaning many may make the poor decision to get behind the wheel after drinking. If you were injured over the holiday weekend due to a drunk driver, it’s important to understand your rights. The following blog explores what you should know about these accidents and how a Broward County auto accident lawyer can assist you through these complicated matters.
Are Labor Day Drunk Driving Accidents Common?
Many celebrate holidays by consuming alcohol, which can lead to devastating accidents if these individuals make the decision to get behind the wheel after drinking. While New Year’s Eve is one of the top holidays for drinking and driving to occur, the holiday weekend for Labor Day is also incredibly dangerous.
Studies show that fatal accidents over the three-day span between Friday afternoon and 11:59 p.m. on the Monday of Labor Day have increased over the past few years. Now, the data estimates that nearly 40% of fatal traffic accidents will be caused by drunk driving.
Does Florida Have Dram Shop Laws?
Dram Shop laws are in place in many states to help ensure that bars, clubs, and restaurants do not overserve guests by holding them liable if a patron causes an accident upon leaving the premises. However, this does not cover all instances. In Florida, the only time a bar can be held liable is if they serve someone underage or who suffers from an alcohol addiction. As such, if you discover the negligent party was at a bar beforehand, you may be able to seek compensation from the establishment for the damages you’ve endured if either of those circumstances apply.
If the drunk driver was not at a bar, but a private party, this would be referred to as social host liability. Like Dram Shop laws, you would not be able to hold the party host liable for the actions of the other, even if they did consume a considerable amount of alcohol on the premises. The only time you may be able to seek compensation from a social host for your sustained injuries is if the negligent party was underage.
Knowing who to hold liable for the injuries you endured over the Labor Day weekend can be incredibly complicated. As such, it’s in your best interest to connect with an experienced attorney who can help you fight for the compensation you are entitled to and hold the negligent party or parties liable for their actions. At the Finizio Law Group, we understand how devastating being involved in a drunk driving accident can be, which is why we are committed to fighting for you during these times. Connect with us today to learn how we can examine your circumstances and fight for you.