Truck drivers play an integral role in our society, transporting produce, clothing, building materials, and other goods across the nation. However, due to the immense size of these trucks, accidents involving them can be devastating. To make matters worse, many truckers report experiencing driver fatigue, contributing heavily to accidents. As such, it’s essential to understand how a Broward County truck accident lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of holding a party liable for their negligence if you were injured. The following blog explores what you must know if you are injured by a sleeping truck driver.
How Does Driver Fatigue Contribute to Truck Accidents?
Unfortunately, when a driver is behind the wheel of a vehicle while tired or drowsy, it can heavily increase the odds of an accident occurring. This is due to the fact that drivers who drive while tired may experience microsleeps, which are short bouts of unconsciousness. Despite lasting seconds at a time, a driver asleep at the wheel will not be able to respond to changes in traffic patterns, hazards, cars breaking or switching lanes, and may drift out of their lane.
Similarly, drivers who are extremely tired lack the ability to react to the hazards mentioned above, leading to an increased chance of accidents, as tired drivers may let their minds wander or suffer from blurry vision.
What Kind of Injuries Can Occur as a Result?
As previously mentioned, semi-trucks are exceptionally large and heavy vehicles as they tow tons of cargo. Unfortunately, accidents involving these trucks can cause life-changing injuries. These include, but are not limited to:
- Broken bones
- Disfigurement
- Limb loss
- Spinal cord injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Broken bones
- Wrongful death
Who Can Be Held Liable for Damages?
It’s important to understand that there are federal laws in place to ensure drivers have adequate rest time while on the road. Truck drivers are prohibited from traveling more than eleven hours per day and have mandates on when they must take breaks while traveling.
Unfortunately, many drivers disregard these measures in favor of traveling for longer periods, as they may not feel as tired as they actually are. Similarly, if a logistics company forces its drivers to ignore the hours of service regulations to meet or exceed deadlines, drivers may feel obliged to comply. As such, the negligent driver and their employer can be held liable for damages caused by an exhausted driver.
When injured as a result of a tired trucker, you may not know how to proceed. Unfortunately, navigating these issues can be incredibly complex. As such, it’s essential to hire an experienced attorney to help you through this process. At the Finizio Law Group, our dedicated team will do everything in our power to fight for you during these challenging times. Contact us today to learn how we can help represent you.