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If I’m Hurt in an On-the-Job Car Accident in Florida, Can I File a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

person taking picture of damaged car

For many, the idea of spending time on the road as part of your job responsibilities is much more enticing than sitting behind a desk all day. However, if you are involved in a collision while on the road for work, you may be unsure how to proceed. In many instances, an on-the-job car accident is considered a work injury, meaning a Broward County personal injury attorney can help you recover the compensation you deserve from your employer for the damages you’ve suffered. The following blog explores these circumstances further, so you’ll want to keep reading if this reflects your situation.

What Constitutes an On-the-Job Car Accident?

Generally, any time you perform duties within the scope of your employment and are injured in a car accident, it is considered an on-the-job crash. Examples of times being on the road is within the scope of your job duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • You work as a delivery driver
  • You’re driving a company car
  • You have to run an errand for your employer
  • Your job requires you to travel to multiple locations throughout the workday
  • You are attending a mandatory event for your employer

It’s important to note that driving to and from work is not considered within the scope of your employment. As such, if an injury happens on your way to or from your job, you cannot recover compensation from your employer.

Should I File a Workers’ Comp Claim?

If you are injured during the scope of your employment, it is in your best interest to file a workers’ compensation claim through your employer. This allows you the best opportunity to recover the compensation you deserve for the injuries you sustained while traveling for work. It’s important to note that workers’ compensation will cover injuries regardless of who was at fault. This means if the employee was negligent, they can still recover funds for an injury that occurred within the scope of their duties.

What Should I Do Following the Collision?

After the collision, you should contact emergency services to report the accident. Even if you feel okay, you should still be checked by the emergency medical technicians. It’s important to note that generally, under workers’ compensation, you need to see a doctor approved by your employer. However, if it is an urgent injury, you should seek emergency medical treatment.

Once you’ve called the police, you’ll want to contact your employer to inform them of the collision. Even though you are not technically at the job site, your employer must still be informed. They can also provide you with additional information about how to proceed.

Unfortunately, your employer may dispute your workers’ compensation claim as they may believe that since you were not at work, the accident didn’t occur on the job. As such, ensuring you have a competent attorney to help you navigate these complex matters is essential. The Finizio Law Group understands how devastating these injuries can be. As such, we will do everything we can to help you navigate these complex circumstances. Reach out today to learn how we can fight for you.

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