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How Do Injuries in a Gym Happen in Florida?

dumbbells in gym on a rack

Going to a gym is something many prioritize, as putting their health first is a goal for many. However, if you’re injured while in the gym, it can impact your fitness journey and numerous other areas of your life. When you’ve sustained an injury in a gym, understanding the steps you must take to recover compensation with the help of a Broward County personal injury attorney is critical. The following blog covers what you should do following an injury in the gym and who you can hold liable for the injuries you’ve endured.

How Do Injuries in a Gym Occur?

Unfortunately, there are a number of ways that people can sustain injuries while working out in a gym. In many instances, this is caused by someone lifting weights that are too heavy or using incorrect exercise form. This is not anyone’s fault, just an unfortunate accident that comes with the risk of injury when working out.

However, you should also understand that unsafe conditions in the gym can cause injury. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Defective machinery and equipment
  • Failure to remedy broken equipment
  • Improperly installed fixtures like televisions, speakers, and lighting
  • Failure to remedy spills or wet spots on the floor
  • Cords and wires left on the ground un-taped to the ground
  • Rusted or damaged weight racks
  • Improperly assembled equipment

It’s also vital to note that a personal trainer can cause injuries to someone under their guidance. If you are injured because your trainer did not adequately assess your fitness level before instructing you to do something, you can sustain injuries.

What Should I Do if I’m Injured?

In the event you are injured while in a gym, it’s essential to understand the steps you must take to help protect yourself. You should begin by taking photos and videos of the hazard that caused your injury. For example, if you fell because of loose tiling on the floor or a broken machine, obtaining evidence of the hazard is critical to later prove negligence.

You must also seek medical attention for the injuries you sustained. Unfortunately, if you do not go to the doctor or call emergency services to receive treatment, the defense can claim the injuries you endured are not serious and do not warrant compensation. As such, establishing medical care is critical.

Who Can Face Liability for the Injuries I’ve Suffered?

If you wish to pursue compensation for the injuries you’ve endured while in a gym or fitness facility, understanding who can be responsible is critical. Generally, the gym’s owner will face liability as it is their responsibility as a business owner to ensure their facility is safe. Additionally, if they hire a personal trainer, they must check to guarantee the individual is qualified. However, if the root of the injury is a defective machine, the manufacturer can face liability.

Unfortunately, injuries sustained in the gym can be chronic, leaving you with a lifetime of pain and suffering. Additionally, you may endure an astronomical amount of medical bills as a result. You should not have to suffer the impacts because of another person’s negligence. Luckily, the Finizio Law Group is ready to assist you in these instances. Contact us today to learn how we can help you during these challenging times.

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