If you need assistance modifying your alimony agreement, please read on, then contact an experienced Broward County alimony lawyer to learn if alimony is permanent in the state of Florida.
In Florida, will you have to pay alimony forever?
In the Sunshine State, a spouse in a long-term marriage, i.e. one 17 years or longer, can be ordered to pay permanent lifetime alimony. This lasts until one of the parties dies or until the recipient remarries. However, this scenario is quite rare and the court reserves such awards for spouses who need financial assistance and are unable to become self-supporting in the future.
Can you change or modify permanent alimony in Florida?
Yes, Florida permanent alimony can be modified or terminated if the party requesting the change can prove there has been an unanticipated, substantial, material and involuntary change in the circumstances of either party. This change of circumstances must not have been accounted for at the time the alimony was awarded. Examples of substantial changes in circumstances are as follows:
- Substantial decrease or increase in income and/or cost of living
- Significant changes in health
- Disability, serious bodily injury or illness
- Retirement
- Involuntary loss of a job
- Promotion
- The cohabitation of the spouse receiving alimony
- Death of either party
Except in the last example, Florida courts are reluctant and cumbersome when it comes to modifying or terminating alimony payments. As such, you should reach out to a skilled Broward County family law attorney to discuss your next steps.
How can a Fort Lauderdale attorney help you?
If your former spouse does not agree to end or modify permanent alimony, you will need to file a written request asking the court to effect that change. At your hearing, you should prepare to show evidence of the change in either you or your former spouse’s financial circumstances. A qualified legal professional will fully apprise you of your rights and responsibilities, as well as give you an honest assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Our firm will also help collect and present the necessary evidence and prepare you for the modification hearing. Given what you have at stake, you can’t afford to go it alone. Give us a call today.
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If you require legal representation for matters of personal injury, family law, criminal defense, commercial litigation, or aviation litigation, look no further than The Finizio Law Group. Our firm has decades of combined experience representing clients from all walks of life, and we are here to put those years of experience to work for you as well. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation with our team and to learn more about our services and how we can assist you.