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Do I Really Need to Call the Police After an Accident in Florida?

man talking to police

When you are in a collision, the other person may ask to handle the issue without calling the police. Though it may seem enticing to get their information and move on about your day without waiting for the police to arrive, you may want to think twice. Unfortunately, doing so can have serious ramifications for you. It’s also important to understand that in some instances, you are legally obligated to report the accident to the police. If you’re unsure why it is so important to call the police, the following blog can assist. You’ll also discover why connecting with a Broward County auto accident lawyer is critical in these matters.

When Do I Need to Call the Police Following an Accident?

Florida, like most states, has rules regarding when you are legally required to file a police report following an accident. Generally, if there is damage to the vehicle valued at $500 or more, a car must be towed, the collision was a hit-and-run, or someone has sustained injuries as a result, you must call the police to file a report about the incident.

While it’s not legally required, it’s also in your best interest to file a report if you have a reason to believe that you are the victim of a drunk driving accident. Similarly, if the other driver does not have their license or insurance, you should get an official report of the accident.

Why Should I Call Regardless?

When you are involved in a car accident, you may not know you are injured at first because of the adrenaline in your body. As such, you may think that calling the police is not necessary. Additionally, you may not know the full extent of the damage to your vehicle. Failing to call the police can have many negative impacts, as it can affect your ability to file for the compensation you deserve.

If you are injured or otherwise suffer damages but did not call the police following your accident, you may find that you are unable to pursue a lawsuit against the other party. Not only does not having a police report make certain that you have documentation of the accident, but it can also help when filing a suit. The other party may try to claim your injuries weren’t severe enough to warrant a police report, so they aren’t severe enough to warrant compensation. In addition, you may find that the other party can give you false information, so you are unable to locate them if you decide to handle these matters without police intervention.

As you can see, ensuring you contact the police is critical if you are involved in an accident, even if it seems like a minor collision. In addition to connecting with law enforcement following a collision, you should also call the team at the Finizio Law Group. We understand how complicated these matters can be, which is why our team is committed to assisting you during this legal process. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you.

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